Monday, 30 March 2009


Yes this post is about Bacne.
Those dreaded spots on yer back. Lucky for me i don't have bacne. Thats right, i don't remember ever having spots there, but what i have are some delightful dark marks that leave me looking like a speckled hen or dot to dot page before the lines have been drawn in.
Well enough about my hideous back, lets get on to the good stuff!
Neutrogena formulate a back wash, but i haven't seen it anywhere. Maybe i should go to the big boots up west but quite frankly i can't be bothered.
SO i have finally decided to treat it and here is what i have found
Diana Acne soap
*picture will be inserted later*( no digicam cough cough)
Salicylic acid 2%, Sulfur 2%, Sodium Cocoate, Sodium Palmitate, Aqua, EDTA, Etidronic acid, Fragrance, Colorant.

so lets analyse these ingredients boffins

Salicylic acid is used commonly to treat acne, it exfoliates ( its a beta hydroxy acid) and helps clears blocked pores. 2% is the highest dosage found over the counter.

Sulphur ( i will use the English spelling dammit!!!!)- in the past it has been used to treat Acne, but isn't so common nowadays. I keep hearing conflicting things about sulphur. Often that no-one knows exactly how it works( oooh spooky) One thing is that it has been known to cause discolouration so be careful, well I'll be the guinea pig!

The rest of the ingredients are just soap bases and stuff which is in other soaps.

The directions for use, say use twice a day.

Other treatments for Bacne I've seen are
Head and shoulders shampoo- because it contains zinc

Also lotions or astringents that contain Salicylic acid, however don't use them altogether because you will irritate your skin.

Then there are the commonsense things
*Change bedsheets/pillow covers and clothing regularly- i hope you guys do this already!
*Change clothes regularly/wash them!- or switch detergents to a more gentle formulation
*Wash after any activity where you have worked up a sweat
*Exfoliate( post coming up on this soon)

Umm that's it i think. Umm any chemistry people that can help me( email meeee)
or anyone who has any info, or is like omigodsaarflondongirlsulphurwillblowyourbrainsupumadwoman!!!! email me too.

And urm that's that.
Oh wait
Diana Acne soap can be found at any black hair shops or BSS's as they are called in the USof A ( that stands for beauty supply store) for around £1.49

oh and here is a link to the site ( they have some good stuff I'll review in the future you know)

Saturday, 28 March 2009


Please bear with me, i am truly truly crap at blogs and anything above search engines and youtube. But i will persevere and i hope you will read my blog as i attempt to chronicle my new found beauty obsession at budget prices.